In this season of togetherness and gratitude, it’s the perfect time to reflect on technological innovations, like 5G wireless connectivity, that keeps us close to loved ones and creates conveniences that often go unappreciated. From mobile internet access that lets you shop online, reconnect instantly with friends, or book a last-minute flight home for the holidays, to the ability to work remotely while traveling, wireless is integral to our lives. Here’s a look at three key factors driving the success of wireless technology we are grateful for this season: competitive markets that drive affordability, increased investment in broadband infrastructure, and innovative solutions made possible in a flexible regulatory environment.
Lower Prices and More Choice is Possible by The Gift of Market Competition
A big reason to be thankful for wireless connectivity is the impact of healthy competition within the industry. Unlike utilities that often operate as monopolies and have fixed rates, wireless services thrive on a range of providers competing for business. This competition brings better deals and tailored options that fit your specific needs and budgets.
Mobile providers always update their offerings, adding new features and adjusting prices to attract wireless customers. The choice between different carriers, like AT&T, T-Mobile, & Verizon, their plans, and pricing tiers makes wireless accessible. Whether you’re eyeing an unlimited data plan or need just the bare minimum, there’s a service designed for you. For us, this translates to more for less and creates a win-win scenario: affordable prices, plenty of plans to choose from, and a steady push towards better services. As more companies step up to compete, the promise of wireless savings grows.
The Need for Speed Comes from Increased Investment
The demand for wireless data continues to rise. Just last year, we saw the largest year-over-year increase in data traffic ever, hitting over 100 trillion megabytes. How did our connectivity withstand, and even improve, despite this unprecedented growth? Investment in broadband infrastructure. Increased investment in build out has met the moment by enabling faster wireless speeds and reducing latency, or network response time, in both hard-to-reach rural areas and technologically lagging urban centers.
Not only has continued investment expanded coverage for millions of Americans, but it’s enabled technology that will shape the future. Every time we experience seamless video calls or watch buffer-free streaming, we’re benefiting from the millions invested in improving our wireless networks. In the budding age of virtual reality, remote healthcare, and autonomous vehicles, it’s particularly important. These new technologies require even faster more reliable networks, and thanks to increased investment, that’s where we’re headed.
Innovative Product Development is Fueled by Regulatory Flexibility
We owe much of this success to the government’s light-touch regulatory approach, which actively fosters innovation. Under this framework, new technology like 5G Home (Fixed Wireless Access) and beyond, has emerged and Americans benefit. Having the room to advance technology and adapt services without the hurdles of overregulation results in prioritized U.S. leadership and the pursuit of ambitious goals.
In contrast, strict regulations like Title II Net Neutrality rules could stifle these advancements, slowing down wireless progress. In practice, this type of regulation often leads to higher prices and fewer choices for Americans.
As we give thanks this year, let’s make sure we recognize the role of wireless connectivity in our lives. With a competitive spirit, strategic investments in infrastructure, and a regulatory environment that prioritizes innovation, we’re better connected than ever before. And for that we are truly thankful.