The 2018 Back-to-School Apps That You Should Know About

Trending Tech

The transition from summer break to the new school year can be overwhelming. It’s a new start for grade-school students, parents, college freshman, and even grad students juggling a full-time career with night classes. If you’re looking for ideas to manage back-to-school planning, here are some ways that a connected life can help you stay on track throughout the academic year.


Homework and Study Apps

There are a ton of apps that help organize notes, create study tactics, and offer homework help. This list of 6 favorite apps lets students digitize their planner, create flashcard games, and prepare for tests like the SAT. If you are brushing up on math skills or need to help your child learn how to divide fractions, Wolfram/Alpha is integrated with Apple Siri Assistant so it can help solve and explain problems quickly. Khan Academy offers free, self-paced, online learning in almost every subject, for most levels of learning. Their mobile app lets students learn offline and on the go so they can keep up with new material.


Heading off to college for the first time may involve shopping for dorm room supplies. This 2018 Back to School Guide from Engadget lists the latest tech for college life. Feeling homesick? The Echo Spot has all of the features of a smart speaker with an added screen that enables video calling to help keep in touch with friends and family.

Online Best Practices

You may have a child with a smartphone. While it is making back-to-school easier, are you concerned about ensuring they are smart when it comes to online activity? Don’t be overwhelmed! From social media, to parental controls, and even screen hours, resources like TigerMobiles can be a great asset.

Finding Balance

No matter what back-to-school means to you, it usually involves adapting to a busier schedule. Check out Healthline’s reviews on Best Meditation Apps of 2018, or this list of fitness apps that help individuals take time for themselves. Or, if you are looking to escape with a good book here are some library apps suggested by

Want to learn more? Check out the wireless policies and infrastructure that power a connected life!