As we head into Memorial Day 2024 weekend, some estimates show that Memorial Day traffic will be the worst it has been since 2000. AAA estimates that most travelers, more than 38.4 million of us, will take to the roads and drive to their destination.
What’s a consumer to do while stuck in Memorial Day traffic?
Pay attention to the road; safety first. But also dream about a future that entails an extreme reduction in travel time, traffic, congestion, emissions, and delays — a future with self-driving cars.
A recent study by Deloitte estimates that self-driving cars, enabled by wireless connectivity, could reduce travel times by nearly 40%, reduce emissions by 40% to 90%, and reduce delays by 20%. Another Deloitte study on The Future of Mobility estimates that self-driving cars could save 21,700 lives and $447 billion per year.
Over the past several years, automobile and technology companies have made significant progress in bringing automation, such as adaptive cruise control and parking assist systems, to consumers.
The next step in automation will be powered by the seamless deployment and adoption of 5G, or “fifth generation,” wireless systems. 5G networks will allow cars to platoon in groups, increasing road vehicle capacity, while also increasing precision reaction time so that a vehicle can take presumptive action to avoid an accident.
A better way to get from Point A to Point B is within reach through the adoption of smart roads and autonomous cars, all powered by wireless connectivity.
Instead of pulling out hair while thinking of the bumper-to-bumper traffic we’ll have to endure this weekend, join other ACTwireless members and sign this petition to let lawmakers know we want technology that can reduce traffic congestion, reduce travel time, and reduce delays.
. . . on the road, we’ll also be listening to this TED talk given by Bill Ford on the Future of Traffic Beyond Gridlock.